Looking for a local Atlanta Jeweler you can trust with your Jewelry? With over 30 years experience, we can help with all your Jewelry needs.
Stone Remounting
Want to update your engagement ring setting? We specialize in hand-crafted custom settings and can design you a ring that compliments your diamond solitaire. Setup an appointment at our Jewelry Stores in Atlanta.

Jewelry Repair
Our Atlanta Jewelers are the best in the industry with over 50 years combined experience.

Jewelry Cleaning & Inspection
Have a couple minutes to spare? Stop by our Jewelry Store in Atlanta and get your Jewelry cleaned and inspected, free of charge!
Jewelry Appraisal
See what your Jewelry is worth and get an accurate replacement value. Setup an appointment at our Jewelry Store in Atlanta and we will appraise your Jewelry while you wait--no need to leave your item.